What We Do
Top Buttons is a faith-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit, charitable and educational organization building self worth in young women. Through our online platforms, educational events, clothing boutiques, and program for teens in need, Top Buttons empowers young women with the resources they need to present their best self to the world without compromise.

In a culture which is often motivated by profit, shock value, and the exploitation of women, Top Buttons provides an alternative and positive fashion resource through which young women can be a part of and gain from.

Building self-worth through Christ from the inside out remains the heart of our organization. We believe a young woman can express herself without compromising values or denying personality when the right teaching and resources exist.

Each year more than 300 young women in need receive confidence building educational sessions, ongoing mentorship, and new wardrobes of free, proper fitting attire for work, school and every day.

How You Can Help
“Thank you so much for allowing our girls this opportunity! It is such a blessing to us and it is amazing how much it does for their confidence and self-esteem. Thank you for all you and the women in your ministry do. It makes a tremendous difference in their lives!”