Jackie Harrison
Jackie Harrison, a 40-year-old healthcare professional, embarked on a transformative cycling journey in July 2017, thanks to her fiancé's introduction to her first road bike. Initially, she faced common yet endearing questions, like the absence of a kickstand and pedals. The transition into cycling was a learning curve, but she persevered.
Before her cycling endeavor, Jackie was an avid runner and gym enthusiast, driven by health, fitness, and fun. Early mornings and weekends were dedicated to training and racing. However, cycling gradually took center stage, offering the same positive elements as running, such as a connection with nature, a sense of community, endorphins, self-discipline, and determination, all while promoting a healthier lifestyle with reduced physical impact.
In 2021, Jackie became a part of the women's race team Alpha Cycling, focusing on introducing and encouraging women in the sport of cycling and racing. While she doesn't consider herself a "racer," she appreciates the community and encouragement the team provides.
Jackie thrives on the balance and encouragement that cycling brings to her life. It has opened doors to new friendships, exciting places, and personal growth. Cycling brings her pride, freedom, and happiness, motivating her to work hard and strive for improvement each day.
Jackie's journey is not without challenges; in March 2018, she endured a significant accident resulting in a broken arm with an open fracture, two surgeries, a wound vac, and a week-long hospital stay. Despite initial doubts, with the support of her loved ones and regular spin classes on a stationary bike, she made her triumphant return to the road in the fall of 2018.
Through her journey, Jackie aspires to raise awareness for the Top Buttons programs and inspire women of all ages to break free from their perceived limitations, embracing life to the fullest.
Meet The Team: