
Face masks, hand sanitizing stations, and individual "brunch boxes”….our fall “Building Up Girls” event wasn’t like any we’ve hosted before. 2020 has been tough on all of us, but it’s been especially challenging for many of the young ladies we serve at Top Buttons. While our “Building Up Girls” event usually includes sessions on life skills and personal development, our fall 2020 event focused solely on mental, emotional, and spiritual health. The theme was “Do Not Fear / Only Believe” (Mark 5:36)…it was a message our girls needed, and we did too.


The event opened with a beautiful, clear presentation of Gospel hope and the remaining time was filled with beautiful explanations and expressions of where that Hope can be found and what its application can mean in our lives. We were thrilled to introduce the girls to three incredible women of faith, two being licensed mental health counselors and another being a local pastor. They covered topics such as where to find wholeness in a world full of brokenness, finding internal peace in external chaos, and the effects both negative and positive thoughts can have on our mental and physical health. The girls heard several spoken word poems about the God who created them and holds loving authority over their lives. "Blaze of Praise" is a dance team from SEU that danced to Marvin Sapp’s song, “My Testimony" whose lyrics include:


“in spite of calamity,

He still has a plan for me

And it's working for my good

And it's building my testimony

Amen! We prayed before the event that it would be a time of sweet fellowship...not just with one another, but with Jesus - and He answered that prayer. The girls left the event with goody bags that not only included practical items like Top Buttons Boutique clothing vouchers and hygiene items, but also a “Faith Over Fear” journal and personal devotional.


We are so grateful for the hope and truth that filled this event. What a gift this time was to not only our young ladies, but to all who attended. While 2020 has been tough, it has had its moments of sweetness…and this was definitely one.