How To Wear Patterned Leggings


Patterned leggings are everywhere this season! They are a fun and colorful trend that are definitely worth trying. Here are some tips on how to style them. Rebekah 1

1. Think of leggings as tights, not pants. If you want to rock patterned pants, there are a ton of options on the market to choose from. Leggings, however are meant to be worn under clothing.

2. Pair them with a long top that covers your backside. Chambray shirts, blazers, blouses and boyfriend sweaters are great options.

3. Pair them with solid colors. Mixing too many patterns can look busy.

4. Keep accessories to a minimum. Let your leggings be the focal point. Too many accessories can be overwhelming.

5. Leggings can be worn with a number of different types of shoes. Boots, flats, and heels all work.

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Leggings come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Have fun and be creative when styling them. For more inspiration, check out our "All About Leggings" board on our Top Button's Pinterest account.

If you already have a favorite way to wear leggings let us know in the comments below, we would love to hear from you!


Happy Styling!



*Below are links to items that are similar to the outfit shown above.

Shirt  Leggings  Shoes  Watch  Bracelet  Purse