After living in the Northeast for 1 month of winter, I had purchased 4 winter coats and 1 jacket. This jacket was another fashion accident. In New York City, fashion inspiration is all around you. One day I was walking my normal route to work and saw this really beautiful girl who looked like she was on her way to her job. I saw her wearing this jacket. I politely tapped her on the shoulder (she probably thought I was trying to steal her purse). I asked her where she got her gorgeous jacket, and she sweetly said, "BCBG." My heart sank. I thought, "There is no way I can afford that. I was hoping she was going to say H&M!"

As soon as I got to work that day, I got on my computer and started to Google key words that might produce that jacket. I also scoured the BCBG website. Nothing to be found. Bummer. BUT THEN...

I found it. Last season's merchandise on ebay. I have a love/hate relationship with ebay and it's sometimes a hit or miss. This was THE only one I could find that was an exact match. Here is a similar one if you just read this and your heart also sank.
A good coat/jacket is priceless. This one however came with a price that I had to quickly talk myself into. My review of this jacket is that it is extremely well made and comfortable, but only stands about 40 degree weather and wind. It is also an amazing rain coat.
Jacket- BCBGeneration | Cardigan- Target | Jeans- Paige | Earrings- House of Harlow 1960 | Boots- Cynthia Vincent