The Mix: Maximize Your Wardrobe


These 6 wardrobe staples are essentials to have in your closet this season. Denim, floral, stripes, and polka dots are all patterns that are excellent to use for mixing. Think of them as neutrals. These patterns can be incorporated into an outfit as accessories or they can be more of a focal point when worn as tops or bottoms. Get the most out of your wardrobe this season by taking time to mix patterns and try new outfit combinations. You may be surprised at the outfits you already have in your closet! Your friends will think you went on a shopping spree and your pocketbook will thank you!  

Happy Styling,


Striped Shirt (similar) | Denim Shirt | Polka Dot Shirt (similar) | Floral Skirt | Red Pants (similar)

Necklaces (left to right): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 (similar)